Terms and Conditions

ISOPA is the European Diisocyanates and Polyols Producers association AISBL, with registered office at Rue Belliard 65, 1040 Brussel, Belgium, and registered in the Belgian Crossroads Bank of Enterprises with number BE0649.434.695, whereas ALIPA is the European Aliphatic Isocyanates Producers Association AISBL, with registered office at Rue Belliard 65, 1040 Brussel, Belgium, and registered in the Belgian Crossroads Bank of Enterprises with number BE0673.850.981. Further information on ISOPA and ALIPA can be found at https://www.isopa.org/ and http://alipa.org/.

This document sets out the terms and conditions according to which professional and industrial users of diisocyanates may register for access toonline training modules on the safe use of diisocyanates. The training modules are based on training material that has been developed in a joint industry effort by ISOPA/ALIPA and other representatives of the diiscocyanates value chain with the aim to enhance safety awareness and improve the conditions for safe us of diisocyanates. For further details on diisocyanates under REACH, the REACH restriction on diisocyanates, the training roll-out, the training levels, the training structure and the joint industry effort please visit  Safe use of Diisocyanates – Diisocyanates Restriction (safeusediisocyanates.eu).

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before registering for automated online training modules on the safe use of diisocyanates.

These Terms and Conditions are in addition to the Privacy Policy, the Cookie Notice and any other Notices or Disclaimers published on the safeusediisocyanates.eu website.

If there is any conflict between our Privacy Policy, the Cookie Notice or any other Notices or Disclaimers published on the safeusediisocyanates.eu website, these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

You may contact us with questions on the use of this website via t thehelp center or contact us button. Once you have registered for the training, you will have access to the additional guidance provided as part of the training module.

The online training modules are exclusively designed for the training of professional and industrial users, and they are in no way intended for the training of persons who intend to use diisocyanates as consumers for purposes of do-it-yourself context or for another purposes which are outside the business, craft, or profession of these persons.

For registering, you are kindly invited to complete an assessment via our website. As part of this assessment, you will be asked to state your working sector and specify your working tasks. By passing the assessment, you confirm that you are registering as a professional or industrial user of diisocyanates, and not as a consumer. Under no circumstances may you register if you wish to use diisocyanates as a consumer.

By clicking on the “Accept” button you agree to these Terms and Conditions which will bind you. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions you must cease to continue to order any Services from us.

We may make changes to these Terms and Conditions from time to time. We may notify you of such changes by any reasonable means, including by posting the revised version of these Terms and Conditions on the Website. You can determine when we last changed these Terms and Conditions by referring to the “LAST UPDATED” statement above. Your use of the Website following changes to these Terms and Conditions will constitute your acceptance of those changes.


  1. Definitions


  • “Fees” means the fees paid by you for the registration and completion of the services offered by ISOPA/ALIPA according to these Terms and Conditions.
  • “Intellectual Property Rights” means copyright, rights in or relating to databases, patent rights, performers’ rights, designs and registered designs, trademarks, rights in or relating to trade secrets or undisclosed know-how and other intellectual property rights (registered or unregistered) throughout the world.
  • “Online Training” means the delivery by us of a web-based training pursuant to which you learn course materials remotely.
  • “Service” means a service provided by ISOPA/ALIPA according to these Terms and Conditions, including the Online Training.
  • “Training Materials” means the information provided in an online training module.
  • “User” is the professional or industrial user of diisocyanates registering for and completing the Training.


  1. The Services


  • A description of the Services is available on each Training and we will provide these Services with reasonable care and skill in conformity with said description.
  • We reserve the right to vary or withdraw any of the Services described on the Website without notice.
  • We expect you to confirm that the Services you are registering for will meet your needs. We do not make any guarantee to you that you, your employer or your business will obtain any particular result, professional qualification, promotion or employment opportunity from your registration for and completion of any of the Services.


  1. Registration


  • Due to technical and organisational reasons, registration for the Online Training may only be done via the Website, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. Requests for registrations by phone, email or post will not be processed.
  • In order to access any of the Services on-line you are kindly invited to pass an assessment via the Website, as explained in the introduction above, and then you may register for an account with us, again via the If you already have an account with us you can log into your account using your user name and password.
  • You are responsible for all access to the Website using your Internet connection, even if the access is by another person.
  • We reserve the right to restrict your access to the Website or part of it.
  • Access to restricted areas of the Website may be subject to registration and other conditions. If we grant you permission to access a restricted area, we may withdraw that permission at any time (including where you breach any of these Terms and Conditions).
  • When you registered for a Service via the Website, you are offering to register for the Services on these Terms and Conditions. ISOPA/ALIPA reserves the right to cancel or decline your registration or any part of your order at any time until it has been confirmed in accordance with clause 7 below.
  • Your registration is complete once you have completed the online registration form and settled the fee by online payment. Once the form is complete and the payment has been received, you will receive an email confirmation with a link to the Online Training. You may not cancel or vary your registration, as further explained in clause 4. below.
  • Please note that your credit card will directly be charged at the moment of transaction.
  • Registrations usually concern individual Online Trainings, save us provided in clauses 3.10 and 3.11 below.
  • Where your registration concerns multiple Online Trainings, each individual Online Training will be treated by us as a separate offer to register. Acceptance of your offer to register for one or several Online Trainings will not be acceptance by us of your offer to register for any other Online Trainings which make up your order.
  • Employers may register for multiple Online Trainings for their employees, it being understood that self-employed contractors are also deemed employees for the purpose of this clause. To this end, the Employer shall access the platform as an administrator and download a form, complete the data of his trainees. Once this is done, upload the form and settle the fee via online payment. Once the payment has been received, via the confirmation email the trainees w will be able to access the platform to follow the training. The registrations will be exclusively for the employees of the employer and under no circumstances shall the employer pass on to persons outside its organisation or commercialise them in any other way.
  • Your permission to use the Website is personal to you and non-transferable, subject to clause 3.11. concerning the registration for multiple Online Trainings above. Your use of the Website is conditional on your compliance with the rules of conduct set forth in these Terms and Conditions and you agree that you will not:
  1. use the Website for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose;
  2. use the Website to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of others, including without limitation others’ privacy rights or rights of publicity;
  3. impersonate any person or entity, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity in connection with the Website; or express or imply that we endorse any statement you make;
  4. interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Website or the servers or networks used to make the Website available; or violate any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of such networks;
  5. transmit or otherwise make available in connection with the Website any virus, worm, Trojan horse or other computer code that is harmful or invasive or may or is intended to damage the operation of, or to monitor the use of, any hardware, software, or equipment;
  6. reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or otherwise exploit for any commercial purposes, any content, any part of the website, any portion of, use of, or access to the Website;
  7. modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of the Website. If you wish to reverse engineer any part of the Website to create an interoperable program you must contact us and we may provide interface data subject to verification of your identity and other information;
  8. remove any copyright, trade mark or other proprietary rights notice from the Website or materials originating from the Website;
  9. frame or mirror any part of the Website without our express prior written consent;
  • create a database by systematically downloading and storing Website content;
  • use any manual or automatic device in any way to gather Website content or reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Website without our express prior written consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we grant the operators of public online search engines limited permission to use search retrieval applications to reproduce materials from the Website for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of such materials solely in connection with each operator’s public online search service.
  • In the event that employers register for multiple Online Trainings for their employees within the meaning of clause 3.11. above, it is being understood that the rules of conducts and obligations, as set out in clause 3.12. above, apply to the employers as well as their employees.


  1. Exclusion of Cancellation or Variation


As stated above, you must be a professional or industrial user of diisocyanates and you must declare working sector and specify your working task when passing the initial assessment. Given that you are a professional or industrial user of Diisocyanates we take the view that the rules concerning the right of consumers to retroactively withdraw their consent within a 14-day period, to the extent that consumers may have such right, does not apply to you. In addition, you expressly agree that you immediately receive a link to the Online Training by clicking the Accept button, and you fully acknowledge that you lose any right of retroactively withdrawing your consent, to the extent that such right may exist. You may therefore not cancel or vary your registration for the Services.


  1. Fees


  • The Fees for the Services shall be as set out on the Website when purchasing the specific training at the time you placed an order for
  • Unless otherwise specified at the time you register for the Services, the Fees may be subject to VAT and where applicable additional taxes according to the Belgian Tax law.
  • Any fees charged by your debit or credit card provider or in connection with your purchase of Services are for your own account and ISOPA/ALIPA shall not be responsible for
  • All Fees shall be exclusive of any amounts payable to any professional body for registration and examination entry. These are payable by you directly to the relevant professional body or examination board and we accept no responsibility or warranty as regards your ability to comply with any relevant registration or exam processes.
  • You shall be responsible for all costs you incur in connection with your access onto any Training.


  1. Liability


  • In line with EU requirements under the EU Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), diisocyanates may only be put into circulation if training for industrial and professional users is provided.
  • The training does not replace the instructions for use supplied with the products nor does it replace medical advice or environmental guidance. It complements the instructions you receive at your workplace, or any learnings gained in the risk assessment under the EU Directive on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents (CAD) and the relevant national legislation. Should there be a discrepancy between workplace instructions and what you learn in this training, you are encouraged to discuss this with your supervisor.
  • While ISOPA and ALIPA make every effort to present accurate and reliable information in utmost good faith on the basis of the best information currently available, they are aware that diisocyanates are used by a wide range of industrial and professional users, for a multitude of applications and in a variety of circumstances. Accordingly, the online training modules are meant to enhance awareness for safe use that must be adapted to the specific circumstances of any given case. No representations or warranties are made with regard to the completeness, accuracy or reliability of the training materials. Any user should be aware that diisocyanates are chemical substances whose use requires appropriate expertise and respect of applicable safety precautions, and the use of diisocyanates may have effects on the personal health or the environment. No liability will be accepted by ISOPA or ALIPA or any company participating in ISOPA and ALIPA for any kind of injuries sustained when using diisocyanates.
  • ISOPA/ALIPA encourage all users of diisocyanates to be vigilant, to follow the guidance and instructions provided by the producers, suppliers, distributors, employers, instructors, public authorities and other relevant bodies and organisations, and carry out their own assessment of the safest use of diisocyanates in their individual circumstances.
  • Although ISOPA/ALIPA aims to provide the Services to the highest standards of the industry, neither it, nor its trainers accept any liability for (i) any inaccuracy or misleading information provided in the programmes or training Materials and any reliance by Client on any such information, (ii) any loss or corruption of data, (iii) any loss of profit, revenue or goodwill, or (iv) any indirect, special or consequential loss arising from any breach of the Terms and Conditions.
  • Except to the extent that they are expressly set out in these Terms and Conditions, no conditions, warranties or other terms shall apply to the Services. No implied conditions, warranties or other terms apply (including any implied terms as to satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose or conformance with description).
  • Subject to clause 6.8. below, ISOPA/ALIPA’s total liability arising from or in connection with these Terms and Conditions and in relation to anything which we may have done or not done in connection with these Terms and Conditions and the delivery of the Service (and whether the liability arises because of breach of contract, negligence or for any other reason) shall be limited to the Fees received by us in connection with the relevant Web-based Training in relation to which a dispute has
  • Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude or limit ISOPA/ALIPA’s liability for (i) death or personal injury caused by negligence, (ii) fraudulent misrepresentation, or (iii) any other matter which under Belgium law may not be limited or
  • ISOPA/ALIPA is not responsible for booking any examination with any professional body or examination board. It is your responsibility to ensure that you book prior to the relevant closing date any exam necessary that you wish to take and which may or may not be associated with the subject matter of the Services provided to you by ISOPA/ALIPA.
  • No claim may be brought more than six months after the last date on which the Services concerned have finished or ceased to be provided by
  • The Website or Online Trainings may provide links to other websites and online resources. We are not responsible for and do not endorse such external sites or resources. Your use of third-party websites and resources is at your own risk.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, ISOPA/ALIPA do not endorse, promote, or warrant the accuracy or quality trainings provided by trainers.


  1. Intellectual Property


  • All Intellectual Property Rights in the Online Training are, and remain the intellectual property of ISOPA/ALIPA or its licensors, whether adapted, written for or customised for the User or
  • You are not authorised to:
  1. copy, modify, reproduce, re-publish, sub-license, sell, upload, broadcast, post, transmit or distribute any of the training materials without prior written permission;
  2. record on video or audio tape. relay by videophone or other means the Online Training given;
  3. use the training materials in the provision of any other course or training whether given by us or any third-party trainer which is not related to the safe use of diisocyanates.
  4. remove any copyright or other notice of ISOPA/ALIPA on the training materials;
  5. modify, adapt, merge, translate, disassemble. decompile, reverse engineer (save to the extent permitted by law) any software forming part of the Online Training.

Breach by you of this clause 7.2 shall allow us to immediately terminate these Terms and Conditions with you and cease to provide you with any Services, including but not limited to access to the Online Training.


  1. Termination


  • We shall be entitled to terminate these Terms and Conditions and cease to provide you with any Services with immediate effect in the event that you:
  1. fail to pay when due your Fees;
  2. provide inaccurate or misleading information during the registration process;
  3. act in an aggressive, bullying, offensive, threatening or harassing manner towards any employee, or any student who attends any Training;
  4. cheat or plagiarise any work which you are required to prepare or submit in connection with the Services or during any examination taken in connection with the Services;
  5. steal or act in fraudulent or deceitful manner towards us, trainers, employees or any other persons who may be attending our Trainings;
  6. commit any criminal offence or unethical act on our Website;
  7. are in breach of these Terms and Conditions.
  • After termination, clause 6 (liability) and 7 (intellectual property) shall continue to apply, notwithstanding such termination


  1. Entire Agreement


These Terms and Conditions, together with Privacy Policy, the Cookie Notice and any other Notices or Disclaimers published on the safeusediisocyanates.eu website, are the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any prior agreements and arrangements, whether written or oral. You confirm that you have not relied on any representations in entering into these and any other terms and conditions with us. Nothing in this clause or Terms and Conditions shall limit liability for any fraudulent misrepresentation.


  1. Force Majeure


ISOPA/ALIPA shall not be liable to you for any breach of its obligations or termination under these Terms and Conditions arising from causes beyond its reasonable control, including, but not limited to: a breakdown of the Website, the termination by a service providers to ISOPA/ALIPA of services that are essential for the provision of the Online Training, fires, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other Acts of God, terrorism, strikes, delay caused by transport disputes, Government edict or regulation.


  1. Assignment


Any Services provided by us under these Terms and Conditions are personal to you and cannot be transferred or assigned to any other person. We may assign, transfer, sub-contract any of our rights or obligations to any third party at our discretion.


  1. Data Protection


We collect and process personal data to the extent that this is necessary in order to perform the service we provide you. Our Data Protection Policy (GDPR policy) explains how we collect and manage your personal data. It contains information on what data we collect, how we use it, why we need it and how it can benefit you.


  1. Governing Law and Jurisdiction


  • The interpretation, validity and enforcement of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Belgian law.
  • The courts in Brussels, Belgium, shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes arising out of or in relation with these Terms and Conditions.


© ISOPA / ALIPA, any unauthorised copying, display or other use is prohibited.

“safeuseofdiiscocyanates” is a registered trade mark of ISOPA / ALIPA.