In-House Trainers


An in-house trainer acts as an employee of their company and is responsible for training employees or customers of their company.

Process for in-house trainers:



Confirm by email to that you are an in-house trainer including the name of your company, address, VAT number and that you accept the terms and conditions as in-house trainer.


Training Material Fee

Access to the training material starts as from €500 per legal entity. An invoice is generated and once the payment is received, the training material is delivered. Please send us an email with the training material needed based on the training list.



To purchase certificates online for your trainees (€15 before VAT per certificate):

  1. Open your administrative account or create one if you don’t already have one. Once created, you should receive an email to validate your email address.

  2. Inform training@safeusediisocyanates the login (email) of your administrative account so that we can activate your access.
  3. Go into your personal account:
    • Click on ‘My account’ and then ‘User & credentials’.
    • Update your password and confirm it. Make sure to use a different password than the last 4 ones used on your account previously.
  4. Go then to your admin account:
    • Click on ‘Contact’ and then ‘Import’. Upload the people who should receive a certificate by using the XLS template.
      • If the person has no email address: create email address based on firstname.familyname@training.isopa
      • The language column in the template refers to the language of the website interface (not the certificate).
    • Upload the filled-in template.
    • In ‘Contacts’, select the ones who should receive a certificate and save the selection in the top-right corner. We advise to make a selection based on the training number / language and date of training (not a must but easier further down in the process). If all imported contacts have to receive the same certificate in same language / same training, then there is no need to make a selection.
  5. Go to the webshop for internal trainers and login with your credentials (making sure using same email address as your administrative account).
    • Complete the required information.
    • Select the quantity and type of certificate (the language of the certificate can be chosen during the download of the certificates).
    • Go to the end of the registration and complete the online payment.
  6. If payment is successful, go back to your admin account. You can see the number of 
certificates purchased and the number of certificates delivered.
    • Select your contacts or retrieve your selections and allocate a certificate.
    • When downloading the certificates, you can select the language of the certificates.

If you cannot remember your password, log out and use the ‘Forgot password’ option.
